This Is How Your Body Reacts To Dental Implants

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Talking With Your Dentist Regularly How healthy are your teeth? Although many people are quick to underestimate their dental health, the fact of the matter is that there are a lot of different elements that play into overall dental wellness. From how often you brush and floss to how regularly you attend regular checkups, it is important to stay in close communication with your dentist, especially if you come down with a new symptom. The purpose of this website is to help people to understand and resolve dental issues, since small symptoms can lead to big problems down the road. Check out these posts to learn more about dental care.



Having any kind of foreign body put in your body permanently (or even temporarily) can be a little disconcerting. However, dental implants are nothing to worry about. These products have been used over and over again with no long-term side effects, and they can actually serve a purpose to your body. If you're still worried, this is exactly how your body will react to the implant being put in place.

When It's Installed

When dental implants are put in place, your body will have no real reaction to the implant at all. This is because they're made of titanium. The body doesn't respond to titanium and there are no major allergic reactions to it, making it a safe material for use in internal components like knee replacements and dental implants. At first, you may have some mild swelling and bleeding, but this is actually from the surgical procedure rather than the implants themselves. This will pass in a short amount of time as you recover from the procedure.

Over Time

After some time passes, your body will react to the implants, but in a positive way. This is because the body will start to grow bone cells over the dental implant.

Believe it or not, this is actually a natural process. Bone cells are used to stabilize your teeth, too. If it weren't for the body doing this, dental implants actually wouldn't work. They wouldn't have enough support on their own to stand up and to deal with the weight and pressure of your bite. However, the bone keeps them solidly in place and prevents them from moving around, meaning that your body is actually helping in this process.


In the long run, your body will respond to the implants one last way - and it's neat. In the same way that the implants were incorporated into the bone, the bone will also grow stronger and heartier because of your implants. After the crowns are put on the implants, you'll start chewing on them like you would any other teeth. This pressure is often too much for a bone to handle, so in reaction, the bone will grow new healthy bone cells. This makes the bone thicker and stronger, making it more resilient and potentially even making your jawline look a little sharper.

Dental implants are a great method of replacing missing teeth for all of these reasons. You don't need to worry about something terrible happening when you get your implants. On the contrary, your body will benefit from them. 

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