This Is Why Some Cavities Require Dental Crowns

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Talking With Your Dentist Regularly How healthy are your teeth? Although many people are quick to underestimate their dental health, the fact of the matter is that there are a lot of different elements that play into overall dental wellness. From how often you brush and floss to how regularly you attend regular checkups, it is important to stay in close communication with your dentist, especially if you come down with a new symptom. The purpose of this website is to help people to understand and resolve dental issues, since small symptoms can lead to big problems down the road. Check out these posts to learn more about dental care.



Having a cavity isn't fun, but it might also raise some questions. If you've recently learned that you need a dental crown for a cavity and haven't had one before, or have had several cavities and only some of them required crowns, you might be wondering why this is. This guide will quickly explain why some cavities require dental crowns while others can get away without it.

Structural Damage

One of the biggest reasons for a tooth to require a dental crown after having a cavity is that there's been significant structural damage to the tooth. It's important to remember that this doesn't refer to the hole that's drilled after you develop the cavity; that's just removing the damaged parts of the tooth that are already decaying. Instead, it's the cavity's fault itself.

When a cavity is able to progress, it continues chewing through to the softer tissues of the tooth. This is usually where pain starts to happen. If this goes on for long enough, or if the cavity is substantially large enough, there may not be enough of the original tooth left to support itself. Chewing on the tooth could damage both it and the filling that it was given. In this case, a tooth will be assigned a dental crown in order to prevent further damage from being done, or to keep the tooth from being destroyed outright.

Root Canal

Another reason why you might need a dental crown after a cavity is if a root canal was a necessity. Root canals don't pull the tooth out, but essentially scoop out the inside of it and remove those parts. This is in order to prevent a cavity from progressing and to keep it from being painful for you, but understandably, it leaves your tooth as just a shell. This shell, combined with the hole that the cavity started developing in the wall of the tooth, makes the tooth weak enough that not even a filling is sufficient to support it.

What to Expect

The good news is that getting a dental crown is an extremely easy process. Your dentist will likely give you two; a temporary one and a permanent one. The temporary one is just so that you can go home and eat normally after your tooth has been drilled or had a root canal. In the meantime, a manufacturer will be producing a custom-made dental crown for you. When it's ready, you'll have the old crown taken off and the new one put on with dental cement. There's no further drilling or installations required. That's it; you're good to go.

Visit a company like Demianko Dental Care if you think you are in need of any dental services like this one.

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