Tooth Gaps: 3 Things You Should Know

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Talking With Your Dentist Regularly How healthy are your teeth? Although many people are quick to underestimate their dental health, the fact of the matter is that there are a lot of different elements that play into overall dental wellness. From how often you brush and floss to how regularly you attend regular checkups, it is important to stay in close communication with your dentist, especially if you come down with a new symptom. The purpose of this website is to help people to understand and resolve dental issues, since small symptoms can lead to big problems down the road. Check out these posts to learn more about dental care.



Do you have teeth in your mouth that are not close enough? If so, you probably have a noticeable gap between these teeth, and this gap is likely between your front teeth. A gap between teeth is something you might have for hereditary reasons, but it is important to know that gaps can cause risks. There are treatment options for them, though, and here are three things to know if you have a gap between your teeth.

Why They Develop

The condition in which teeth have gaps between them is called diastema. This is a dental term used to describe this condition, and the reason people have this problem is generally for hereditary purposes. A person is generally just born with this problem, although it does not appear until later on in life when the adult teeth come in. When you initially get your adult teeth, having gaps is normal. In fact, dentists like seeing gaps between teeth because it shows that there is plenty of room for the teeth to grow in fully. Unfortunately, though, some people never see their gaps close.

The Risks of Having Tooth Gaps

Having gaps does not pose serious risks, but there are a few to be aware of. The first is for embarrassment. People do not generally like the way a gap looks in their mouth, and many people feel ashamed or embarrassed by this. Secondly, gaps can end up becoming food traps if they are just the right size. This means that they will trap food in them, which poses risks for cavities to form. The other risk involves gum problems. When there is a gap present, it can cause the gums to wear away faster in that area, leading to recessed gums or gum disease.

The Solutions for the Problem

Fortunately, dentists can provide solutions for gaps so you do not have to live with one for the rest of your life, and there are a few different treatment options for this issue. The first is through veneers. Using a veneer on each tooth next to the gap provides an instant way to close the gap. The dentist will just make sure the veneers are wider than the existing teeth when he or she creates them. The other option is through bonding, which is a process that can widen teeth by adding a plastic-like material to the teeth.  

A lot of people have gaps between their teeth, but many people do not realize that there are risks with gaps. If you would like to learn more about this subject, talk to a general dentist.

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