5 Common Myths About Cavities

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Talking With Your Dentist Regularly How healthy are your teeth? Although many people are quick to underestimate their dental health, the fact of the matter is that there are a lot of different elements that play into overall dental wellness. From how often you brush and floss to how regularly you attend regular checkups, it is important to stay in close communication with your dentist, especially if you come down with a new symptom. The purpose of this website is to help people to understand and resolve dental issues, since small symptoms can lead to big problems down the road. Check out these posts to learn more about dental care.



Cavities are one of the most common oral health problems among adults. They can get worse over time and even cause tooth loss if not treated properly.  While the majority of people will experience a cavity at some point, there are still many misconceptions circling around cavities.

Here are some common myths about cavities you shouldn't believe.

If I Have a Cavity, I'll Know Right Away

Cavities don't cause pain in the early stages. In fact, you won't feel pain until the decay has progressed significantly. That is why it's important to visit your dentist every six months for a checkup. He or she can detect cavities through x-rays and treat them before they get worse.

Dental Fillings Last Forever

Some people falsely assume that dental fillings will last a lifetime. However, they will eventually wear down. These fillings endure stress every time you chew food. During your dental checkups, your dentist can inspect your fillings and make sure they're still intact. If your dentist thinks your filling is compromised, he or she can replace it.

Brushing Is Enough to Keep Cavities Away

While daily brushing is crucial for preventing cavities, it's not the only thing you should do to protect against decay. You should also limit foods and drinks that contain a lot of sugar and acid, such as sticky candy. Daily flossing is also important because it removes food particles that get stuck between your teeth.

Cavities in Baby Teeth Aren't a Big Deal

Some parents don't think cavities in baby teeth matter because they will just fall out anyway. However, cavities in baby teeth can cause them to fall out before permanent teeth are ready to come in. That's why parents should encourage good oral hygiene habits in their children from the very beginning.

Gum Harms Your Teeth

It is true that gum that contains sugar increases the risk of tooth decay. However, sugar-free gum is considered beneficial for your teeth. It stimulates saliva flow, which helps wash away food particles and bacteria from your mouth. If you chew sugar-free gum after every meal, you could lower your risk of cavities.

As you can see, there are many myths about cavities. If it has been more than six months since your last dental checkup, you should schedule an appointment with a dentist today. He or she can check your mouth for cavities and other oral health problems.

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